Selasa, 05 April 2016

Tips! Bagaimana Cara Menghilangkan Virus Shortcut Di Flashdisk

Dari dulu hingga sekarang, Virus Shortcut yang kerap muncul di Flashdisk atau media penyimpanan lainnya masih menjadi momok para penggunanya. Sejatinya, shortcut ini hadir dikarenakan Flashdisk kamu terinfeksi oleh virus yang didatangkan dari media lainnya (bisa jadi komputer itu sendiri). Dan bisa juga, komputer yang awalnya bersih dari virus, namun karena ditancapkan dengan Flashdisk yang terkontaminasi oleh virus ini jadi ikut terinfeksi.

Sebenarnya tidak sulit untuk menghilangkan virus ini (tergantung sejauh mana virus ini menyebar). Hanya saja, terkadang membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk melakukan scanning virus. Sekarang saya ingin membagikan tips cara menghilangkan virusshortcut di Flashdisk.

Cara Menghilangkan Virus Shortcut di Flashdisk

  • Tancap atau colokan Flashdisk ke komputer kemudian buka Flashdisk tersebut.
  • Klik "Organize" lalu klik "Folder and search options".
  • Aktifkan "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" lalu unchecklist pada "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)". Jika muncul noticeseperti di bawah, Klik "Yes".
  • Nah, biasanya sampai sini folder yang disembunyikan oleh virus sudah kembali muncul. Hanya saja masih berstatus semi-hidden.
  • Untuk menormalkannya kembali, silahkan buka CMD (Command Prompt). Setelah terbuka, ketik lokasi dimana Flashdisk berada, misal: Drive H, berarti ketik H:
  • Selanjutnya, ketikan attrib -s -r -h /s /d di CMD, seperti gambar di bawah. Kemudian tekan Enter.
  • Sekarang cek Flashdisk kamu, apakah semua folder sudah kembali normal lagi. Jika sudah, silahkan hapus folder yang menurut kamu aneh dan tidak jelas.
Sejatinya, cara di atas hanya berlaku untuk mengembalikan folder yang disembunyikan oleh virus shortcut dan menghilangkan virusshortcut secara sementara. Jika Flashdisk kembali dicolokan ke komputer yang terinfeksi virus shortcut, bisa jadi hal serupa akan terjadi lagi.
Cara paling ampuh untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan menggunakan Antivirus. Kamu bisa melakukan Full Scan terhadap setiap Drive yang ada, termasuk Flashdisk.
Admin! Pc

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Tips! What Is Personal Compute (pc)

A personal computer (PC) is a small, relatively inexpensivecomputer designed for an individual user. In price, personal computers range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. All are based on the microprocessortechnology that enables manufacturers to put an entire CPU on one chip.
At home, the most popular use for personal computers is for playing games. Businesses use personal computers for word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, and for runningspreadsheet and database management applications.

Personal Computers in the Late 1970s

Personal computers first appeared in the late 1970s. One of the first and most popular personal computers was the Apple II, introduced in 1977 by Apple Computer. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, new models and competing operating systemsseemed to appear daily. Then, in 1981, IBM entered the fray with its first personal computer, known as the IBM PC. The IBM PC quickly became the personal computer of choice, and most other personal computer manufacturers fell by the wayside. One of the few companies to survive IBM's onslaught was Apple Computer, which remains a major player in the personal computer marketplace.

IBM Clones

Other companies adjusted to IBM's dominance by building IBMclones, computers that were internally almost the same as the IBM PC, but that cost less. Because IBM clones used the same microprocessors as IBM PCs, they were capable of running the same software. Over the years, IBM has lost much of its influence in directing the evolution of PCs. Many of its innovations, such as the MCA expansion bus and theOS/2operating system, have not been accepted by the industry or the marketplace.

Popular PCs of Today

Today, the world of personal computers is basically divided between Apple Macintoshes and PCs. The principal characteristics of personal computers are that they are single-user systems and are based on microprocessors. However, although personal computers are designed as single-user systems, it is common to link them together to form a network. In terms of power, there is great variety. At the high end, the distinction between personal computers and workstations has faded. High-end models of the Macintosh and PC offer the same computing power and graphics capability as low-end workstations.

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What Is Cracker And Hacker?

A cracker (also known as a black hat hacker) is an individual with extensive computer knowledge whose purpose is to breach or bypass internet security or gain access to software without paying royalties. The general view is that, while hackers build things, crackers break things. Cracker is the name given to hackers who break into computers for criminal gain; whereas, hackers can also be internet security experts hired to find vulnerabilities in systems. These hackers are also known as white hat hackers.  Crackers’ motivations can range from profit, a cause they believe in, general maliciousness or just because they like the challenge. They may steal credit card numbers, leave viruses, destroy files or collect personal information to sell.

Crackers can also refer to those who reverse engineer software and modify it for their own amusement.  The most common way crackers gain access to networks or systems is through social engineering, whereby the cracker contacts employees at a company and tricks them into divulging passwords and other information that allows a cracker to gain access.

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Senin, 04 April 2016

In order for Android with 1GB of RAM under No Nge-lag

As you know , RAM Android smartphone is now penetrating up to 4 GB . But not infrequently even now there is still a cheap Android that uses 512 MB of RAM , so sometimes nge-lag .

°How To Android RAM 512 MB Staying Smooth°

One of the obstacles faced by low-cost Android with 512 MB RAM is slow screen response . The screen is slow to respond to the touch can be caused by the performance of the CPU and less RAM. To keep him responsive , I'm suggest you to download Super Touch - Sliding Speed ​​.This application will maximize the performance of CPU and RAM on your Android , so Android Your response to touch on the screen will be more responsive .As a result, typing an email or open an application on Android with 512 MB of RAM would be even faster .

°How To Use Super Touch°


Do not need root access to be able to use Super Touch.This application just need a little understanding from you. What is certain for you who have not been rooted Android can use this application with ease and without constraint .Anyway you shall try deh , as a way to make this lag snagat android not easy .

For how to make android does not lag using Super Touch , you just adjust the levels according to your smartphone screen size .In view of this application is included also a suitable level according to the screen size of the Android smartphone that you use.Just set the level, and then select Start Smooth Touch. The higher the GPU type you use, the higher the level , the better .

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Minggu, 03 April 2016

Tips! Hack Wifi With Wpa Wpa Tester (ROOT)

Hey , pasti kamu tau apa itu wpa wps tester?. Wpa wps Tester Adalah Aplikasi untuk mengehack wifi di sekitar lingkungan anda (Butuh Root) , Android Anda Harus Di root Jika tidak di root hack wifi nya di jamin tidak berhasil tetapi Android Anda Sudah Diroot Dijamin 100% Bisa!,

How To Hack Wifi??
1. Download Application Wpa wps tester

2.Open app and press refresh 
3.Then the list of WiFi networks available will be shown.
4.If you see a green Lock Icon click on it
5.Press Try to Connect 
6.In seconds a pop up will appear with the password
7.Enter the password and enjoy free WiFi 
List of Most Vulnerable routers 
iBall Baton
TP Link
And many more
Recommended to use on high signal
-60 or less

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Sabtu, 02 April 2016

TIPS! Install Windows 8.1/8/7/Xp On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot Using Change My Software

Hello friends, do you guys know that now we can also install windows Operating System on android mobiles or tablets using a simple software called “change my software”. In this tutorial i will explain how to download this software to Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot Using Change My Software 8.1/8/7/XP Editions with clean pictures of every step in the process.
Generally Android mobiles/tablets work on Jelly Bean, Kitkat or the latest Lollipop Operating systems Even though you can get Window OS if you want on your Android mobile/tablet by just following below very simple instructions.
Follow my instructions carefully those who want’s to change their Android OS to Windows OS

Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot (Steps):

Requirements to Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot:
  • Android Tablet or Phone
  • Personal Computer/Laptop
  • USB Cable
  • Change My Software
  • High speed Internet Connection
  • 15 Minutes of your time
Also Know About The:
Best file transfer  application:- xender file transfer app for pc
Best app to get free recharge:- mcent free recharge app for pc
Above both articles are must read ones because those articles will give you good and new information.
Processes of Installing Windows 8.1/8/7 or XP are almost similar so i will explain each and every step clearly in the process of installing windows 8 on your Android mobile/tablet. After knowing how to install windows 8 on your android mobile you can easily install Windows 8.1/7/XP on your mobile/tablets.
Follow the below steps carefully to install windows 8 on your Android mobile.
Steps to Install Windows 8 on Android Mobile/Tablet:
  • To install windows 8 on Android you will need the requirements shown in the below image.
  • The software you will need is “Change my software 8 edition”, this software will change your Android OS to Windows OS and vice versa and it is very easy to use.
  • Download the Change my Software 8 edition from the below link.
Update: We (AllTechFeed Team) worked very hard to find a direct link to all the change my softwares. Use the below link to download the Change My Software 8.1/8/7/XP editions from the below link.
NOTE:  Two months back we can download the Change My Software very easily with a single click from the official site but now users should have to submit a survey to download it for free or you have pay to download the software. We are not allowed to share the software, every user should download the software from the official site linked below.

Download Change My Software 8 Edition

  • Now connect your Android device(mobile/tablet) to your computer using USB cable.
  • After connecting your devices, launch the change my software 8 edition in your computer.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot run the downloaded file
Run change my software 8 edition in your computer
  • Now choose Android > Windows 8 to install windows 8 on your android mobile.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot choose android to windows
Choose android to windows
  • Click on Continue after Checking your device is connected and working properly.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot click on continue
click on continue after checking
  • Now Select your language. Selecting Language is very important so pay attention when you are going to select.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot select language
Selecting lanuage
  • After selecting the language, the process of downloading windows 8 drivers will start.
  • Downloading will take more time if you don’t have the high-speed internet connection. Wait until you see the “success” on the screen.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot downloading drivers
downloading windows 8 drivers
  • After completion of downloading process click on the “Install” button. Do not click on “Remove Android”. If you do you will not get dual-boot(Windows&Android), you get only windows on your android mobile/tablet.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot click on install
  • Now the process of installing windows 8 will start on your Android device so be patient  until the completion of installing all features and files.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot wait for some time
Wait for some time to get all the features
  • After getting all features and the required files, your android mobile/tablet will automatically reboot.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot rebooting device
Your mobile/tablet will reboot
  • After rebooting, choose windows 8 or Android to use in your android mobile/tablet.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot choos the os to boot
Choose the OS to boot
  • First login usually takes more time so wait some time to use Windows 8 on your Android mobile/tablet.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot first login
First login into windows 8 on your android device
That’s all you have to do guys to install windows 8 on your android mobile/tablet. You will get Windows 8 on your Android mobile/Tablet like shown in the below image.
Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot windows 8 android
Windows 8 on Android mobile/tablet

How to Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot:

I already told you that the process of installing Windows 8.1, windows 7 and windows XP are all same as installing Windows 8. Only the Change my software edition is different in the processes.
  • You have to use “Change my software 8.1 Edition” to install Windows 8.1 on your android mobile/tablet.
  • Use “Change my software 7 Edition” to install Windows 7 on your android mobile/tablet.
  • Use “Change my software XP Edition” to install Windows XP on your android mobile/tablet.
Just change the software edition and follow the above process to Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot.
I hope this tutorial helps you to Install Windows 8.1/8/7/XP On Android Mobile/Tablet Dual Boot Using Change My Software 8.1/8/7/XP Editions.
Please comment if you face any problems following this process and Don’t forget to like and share this article.
NOTE: Many people commenting that they can’t able to download the software from the given links because the given website asking do survey to download the files. Sorry for your trouble guys, in some countries the site is not asking any surveys so try the link once. If any one downloaded the file please tell us in comment box, we will take from you and will give to all users. We are trying very hard to get the all changemysoftware editions and we will update the direct links very soon

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Tips! How To Use Lucky Patcher (Hack app)

We know It..., Lucky Patcher is an amazing android application which lets you remove ads, break different apps' Android Market License Confirmation or other Confirmations for the applications. The app has been developed by Developer Chelpus. Lucky Patcherapplication plays a major role for rooted android device.

How To Use Step By Step
1)Open lucky patcher apk and find the app you want to hack in app purchase.
2)If in app purchases are available, you will "In app purchases found" below the app. 
3)Long click on the app or just tap on the app and click on "open menu of patches". 
4)Select "Support patch for In app and LVL emulation.

Link To Download 
Link! 5.56 mb




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Jumat, 01 April 2016

Tips! What Is Spyware And Adware , How To Remove It?

Ad supported software, often called Adware or Advertising Supported Software, is used when referencing any type of program that downloads or displays unwanted banner advertisements in the software being used. Adware is often bundled within software a computer owner purchases. The authors of a program sometimes include adware in their software torecover development costs, or to be able to provide the product for free or at a discounted price. Adware can be designed to collect data on which sites the user visits, send this data back to the company and deliver advertising based on the information. Though the advertisements produced by adware may be seen as an annoyance, a distraction, or an invasion of privacy to the user, the income the developer receives may help them to maintain, upgrade and continue to develop more products. Often, after using a free software product that includes adware, a user may opt to purchase a registered or licensed version without adware to remove the ads. This adware-free product may also have additional functionality.

However, adware can also contain or be classified as spyware, a type of malware that is considered by many to be privacy-invasive. Spyware can steal a user’s information or corrupt the user’s system files. Though adware companies may have a Privacy Policy stating that no sensitive or identifying information will be collected, there is usually no way for the user to be completely sure that he or she remains anonymous. Therefore, because of privacy concerns and the prospect of malicious adware, antivirus software today detects and removes both adware and spyware.


If you have spyware or other potentially unwanted software on your computer, you should use an antispyware scanner and removal tool to try to remove it. You can also try to remove spyware manually. You might need to use both of these methods more than once to completely remove the spyware or other potentially unwanted software.

Use an antispyware scanner and removal tool

Windows Defender is a feature in this version of Windows that can help prevent spyware and other potentially unwanted software from infecting your computer. When Windows Defender is on, you're notified if spyware and other potentially unwanted software tries to run or install itself on your computer. You choose whether to ignore, quarantine (move to a different location on your computer where it can't run), or remove each item that's detected. For more information, see Scan for spyware and other potentially unwanted software.
Spyware scanners are also frequently included in antivirus programs. If you've already installed an antivirus program, check to see if that program includes spyware protection features or if you can add them as an update, and then scan your computer regularly. For more information about spyware, go online to theMicrosoft Security website.

Remove spyware manually

Spyware can sometimes be hard to remove. If an antispyware program notifies you that it can't remove spyware, follow the instructions provided by the antispyware program. If that doesn't work, try these options:
  • Try installing an antivirus or another antispyware program. Many antivirus programs also come with antispyware protection.
  • Check Programs and Features for items that don't belong on your computer.
    Use this method with extreme caution. Control Panel lists many programs, most of which are not spyware. Many spyware programs use special installation methods to avoid showing up in Programs and Features. Occasionally, a spyware program will offer an uninstall option and can be removed with this method. Only remove programs that you can positively identify as spyware, and don't remove programs that you might want to keep, even if you don't use them very often. For more information, see Uninstall or change a program.
  • Reinstall Windows.
    Some spyware can hide itself so well that it can't be removed. If you still see evidence of spyware after trying to remove it with an antispyware program or after trying to uninstall it using Control Panel, you might need to reinstall Windows and your programs.


    • Reinstalling Windows will remove spyware, but it will also delete your files and programs. If you have to reinstall Windows, make sure that you back up your documents and files, and make sure that you have access to the installation discs you'll need to reinstall your programs.


If you have spyware or other potentially unwanted software on your computer, you should use an antispyware scanner and removal tool to try to remove it. You can also try to remove spyware manually. You might need to use both of these methods more than once to completely remove the spyware or other potentially unwanted software.

Use an antispyware scanner and removal tool

Windows Defender, which ships with this version of Windows, helps prevent spyware and other potentially unwanted software from infecting your computer. When Windows Defender is on, you're alerted if spyware and other potentially unwanted software tries to run or install itself on your computer. You choose if you want to ignore, quarantine, or remove each item that is detected. For more information, see Scan for spyware and other potentially unwanted software.
Spyware scanners are also frequently included in antivirus programs. If you have already installed an antivirus program, check to see if that program includes spyware protection features or if you can add them as an update, and then scan your computer regularly. You can see a list of other spyware protection programs at the Microsoft Security at Home website.

Remove spyware manually

Spyware can sometimes infect areas of your computer that are difficult to clean without causing further problems. If an antispyware program notifies you that it can't remove spyware, follow any directions provided by the program. If that doesn't work, try these options.
  • Check Installed Programs for items that don't belong on your computer.
    Use this method with extreme caution. Control Panel lists many programs, most of which are not spyware. Many spyware programs use special installation methods to avoid showing up in Installed Programs. Occasionally, a spyware program will offer an uninstall option and can be removed with this method. Only remove programs you can positively identify as spyware, and do not remove programs that you might want to keep, even if you don't use them very often. For more information, see Uninstall or change a program.
  • Reinstall Windows.
    Some spyware can hide itself so well that it can't be removed. If you still see evidence of spyware after trying to remove it with an antispyware program or uninstalling it, you might need to reinstall Windows and your programs.


    • Reinstalling Windows will remove spyware, but it will also delete your files and programs. If you have to reinstall Windows, make sure that you back up your documents and files, and that you have access to the installation discs you will need to reinstall your programs.

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